Let's explore a tool that's a dream come true and a secret weapon for .NET developers: NUKE, a free, open-source build automation system.

NUKE: Shaping Build Automation in C#

Ever dreamed of coding your entire CI/CD pipeline in C#? Or perhaps you've longed for a portable pipeline that you could easily shift from one build system to another? If so, NUKE is exactly what you need.

NUKE breaks new ground in build automation, allowing you to define your entire pipeline in C#. Tasks become methods within the NukeBuild class, granting you all the benefits of C# language features, such as code completion, refactoring, and debugging. Your pipeline becomes clearer, more maintainable, and, best of all, written in a language you love.

Tool Integration and Transferable Pipelines

One of NUKE's standout features is its superior tool integration capabilities. Whether you're running tests with xUnit or NUnit, packaging with NuGet, or containerizing with Docker, NUKE smooths out workflows, simplifies pipelines, and takes the pain out of the tool integration process.

But that's not all. NUKE transforms your CI/CD process by creating build files that are system agnostic. This means you can easily move your CI/CD pipeline from one build system to another while keeping your pipeline intact and functional.

Managing and Visualizing Builds

NUKE also comes with a set of commands to help you manage and visualize your builds. For instance, the --plan command visually represents your build execution plan, detailing how each target depends on others. This is a powerful tool for understanding your pipeline's complexities at a glance.

In my journey with NUKE, I've crafted a series of abstract classes that encapsulate various build flows and publication methods, catering to our service requirements. These classes have become a valuable shared resource across our teams, bringing a standardized approach to our build processes. The NUKE repository, built and published using its capabilities, has guided best practices in this journey.